【侏羅紀世界:殞落國度】就在今年2018年6月6日搶先全球震撼登場 桃園免留車本月電影新介紹


從第一步侏羅紀世界有著主題樂園與豪華渡假村,並在於暴風雨中停電被逃出牢籠的恐龍徹底摧毀之後,三年已經過去了,努布拉島也早就遭道人類遺棄,放任存活下來的各種恐龍在叢林中自生自滅。就在於平靜的島上休眠火山盡然又開始蠢蠢欲動,電影中飾演歐文(克里斯普拉特 飾)和克萊兒(布萊絲達拉斯霍華 飾)展開一系列救援行動,率隊前往努布拉島,拯救島上的恐龍免於這場足以讓恐龍再度滅絕的大災難。電影中歐文卻一心一意惦記著小藍迅猛龍只想找到小藍,他從小養大的一隻迅猛龍,也是他訓練的那群迅猛龍小隊的隊長,牠目前仍在荒野叢林中獨自求生。克萊兒則是因為出於她對恐龍這個物種的尊敬參與這項行動。


恐龍迷們 記得2018年06月06日 趕緊重溫恐龍的震撼力

Taoyuan Free Vehicles This month's new movie introduction - as dinosaur fans will surely remember the Jurassic series' first movie. In 1993, the first Jurassic Park was released. In the 1970s, our children believed that they must be familiar with each other. Jurassic Park is a 1993 science fiction movie directed by Steven Spielberg and adapted from the same-name novel published by Michael Clayton in 1990. "Jurassic Park" is still ranked in the top ten global box office list up to 2007. After the first box office was successful, it developed into a series of movies.


From the first step in the Jurassic world, there were theme parks and luxury resorts, and after a power outage in the storm was completely destroyed by dinosaurs that escaped from the cage, three years have passed and Nubra Island has long been abandoned by humans. The dinosaurs who survived are left to die in the jungle. It was on the calm island that the dormant volcano began to take off again. In the movie, Owen (Chris Pratt) and Claire (Breath Dallas Howard) performed a series of rescue operations and led a team to the island of Nubra. Save the dinosaurs on the island from this catastrophe enough to make the dinosaurs extinct again. In the movie Owen nevertheless single-mindedly remembers that the Little Blue Raptor just wanted to find Scarlett. The Raptor he raised from childhood was the captain of the Raptors team he trained. He is still living alone in the wilderness jungle. Claire was involved in this action because of her respect for the dinosaur species.

This time there is also a new dinosaur that has been genetically modified. “The Emperor Raptor,” “It was a ferocious, fierce and brutal beast.” The type and number of dinosaurs that appeared in the Jurassic World: The Fallen Kingdom was more than all. There are more dinosaurs in the "Ji Ji" series of movies.

Dinosaur fans remember June 06, 2018 and quickly relive the power of dinosaurs

